Friday, April 17, 2009


I just finished watching the film Padre Pio de Pietrelcina from youtube. The film is amazing and he deserved to become a Saint.  It also taught me that we can all overcome sin, no matter what the temptations are. Padre Pio was tempted by the Devil to go against God's agreement with him and save his Father from death, but he didn't. It would have been extremely difficult for him, knowing he could ask God to help him, but he didn't give into the devil's temptations, he made a promise with God and he kept it.

This made me think about sin in our own lives. Our temptations must be fairly minor compared to the ones Padre Pio encountered. He didn't give in, not once. He kept his faith in God no matter what he was accused of and no matter how hurt he felt he didn't turn his back, in fact, this made his faith stronger.

Sin is awful, and sadly we all sin, everyone does. So this is why God gave us the sacrament or confession, and what a blessing! I can never see how people don't think it's necessary to confess their sins, and there are many churches who believe this too. 

Confession is one of the greatest sacraments.  Time and time again God forgives us, He is probably sick of hearing the same sins but still He forgives. To me that is what is great about God, He never turns our back on us, yet some of us turn our backs on Him, go against His teachings, doubt Him and some leave for good and never come back. Well they are missing out! Big time! I suppose the only thing we can do is to try our best to get them back, if they don't listen well then we give it to God and let them decide, this reminds me of a verse I read last night Matthew 18:15-17.

Typical me. How did I get from writing about the film to confession! Hope I didn't bore you too much. ( And I would recommend the film, it's really good)

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