Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Easter season

Well We made it to Good Friday Mass safe and sound. It was lovely and I plan to make it every year (I should make it every year anyway!!). 

Of course there had to be trouble in our house about going to mass. My sister had to help at mass on Holy Thursday and didn't want to go again on Good Friday. Roaring and screaming for a good hour before hand, I really though my mother would give in and stay at home with her but she didn't. We finally got to mass and even though we didn't all enjoy it, I did.

I read at mass today (Easter Sunday) and the mass went very well. One thing I was disappointed with though was the lack of people at mass. Its really disappointing that some people don't make the effort to go, even on Easter Sunday. Well I guess all we can do is pray for them and try to show them the importance of mass, after that it is up to them to go.

In the Popes Eater message He said "The Resurrection is our Hope". I thought these were good words. The Resurrection is our Hope in a life after death. God showed us through the resurrection that although we may not be physically present our spirit never dies. He let His only Son die so that He could show is His great power, He can raise us from the dead.

I have finally realized that Easter is way better the christmas, no matter what. Easter is a time when the death of Christ happened (and of course the resurrection) but also the birth of Christianity :)

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