Tuesday, May 5, 2009

God is amazing

You know I picked the title for my blog for a reason. God works in so many, wonderful and mysterious ways. It is sad so many people cannot see this. God created this wonderful world, and everything works in harmony in it. God sends people into our lives to show us the good and bad in us, to bring love and happiness when we need it most. 

But equally God can make life hard, or the decisions people make, make life hard, but you know no matter how tough things are God makes them right. I have used this phrase a lot in the past week "God knows what He's doing.... yup He knows" and its true. When going through hard times you may say "God why are you doing this to me" but really when you look back you are usually glad that it happened because, eventually, good came out of it.

This happened recently with Chicken and I. We were having fights almost every day of the week. I was not nice to her at all, and I didn't notice until one day she just exploded and it all came out. I hurt her so much, she didn't even want to look at me. She told me we would never be best friends again, never go to see each other, nothing. I thought it was all over.

I asked God why would He take away someone that I cared about so much (even though it was my fault she was gone in the first place). I knew I had to change, change my mood swings, watched what I said and I had to become more independent. I prayed firstly that I  would change, not completely, but change my "clingy" attitude, then I prayed that my friendship with Chicken would not end. A good friend of mine, a one I met online actually ;) (you know who you are) told me to say 3 Hail Mary's a day, and I did.

A few weeks later I am a way better person. I have realized jealousy pushes people away, fighting is no use and giving people a bit of space and freedom does not mean they forget about you, in fact it was the best thing I've done. Chicken and I are now the best of friends and loving every minute of it!! 

So even though it may have not seemed like God was doing any good by "making" - not the right word to use- fight, He knew I would become a better person at the end of it all.

OK you are probably sick of hearing about Chicken and I but we have went through a lot. I know I depend on her for a lot and probably sound immature but still God is my rock! :)

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