Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I know I haven't wrote here in a while and it's not because I don't have time-believe me I do!- I just don't really know what to write about anymore. I've kinda gotten lazy about writing about Religion (which is only a phase- don't worry) and people aren't really interested in hearing that all day I stay on the computer, watch TV, try to get a bit of exercise or meet up with friends.

One thing I will write about, and what I feel like writing about is confidence. Recently, meaning over the last 3 or 4 years, my confidence levels have dropped Way down. I was letting people walk all over me and never standing up for myself. I started to believe what people said and the word "can't" was used instead of I can. But recently I have been thinking a lot, why should I let people walk all over me? why should I tell myself and let others tell me I can't do something or that I will never be good at something? I shouldn't - it's not fair and it really doesn't help me in any way.

So this week I have started telling myself I can do whatever I want, I can achieve all my goals- why can't I? :) I won't let others put me down and obviously I have to do this for others too not calling them names or making them feel bad either.

As the saying goes "if you can't love yourself how can you love others". So here it goes I love myself LOL!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

People can only put you down if you let them. That "can't" word is not really a word. It is two words in one: can + not. I would get rid of the second half. I don't think it is doing you any good. I don't think it does anyone any good. When my younger daughter (spina bifida, paraplegia) would say, "I can't," I taught her to say instead, "Can you help me figure out how?" It worked. She does not say "can't" anymore, and she has figured out "how" to do a lot of things she might otherwise not have done.