Wednesday, July 29, 2009


yesterday I finished the Gospel of Matthew, now I have started Mark. So far I am finding Mark's gospel far more easier than Matthews :) I love reading the Bible, I haven't read it much throughout my exams or after but now I am back "in the mood" for reading it :):)

God bless

1 comment:

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

Good for you! I joined a Bible Study group that is going through the bible chapter by chapter. They estimate ten years to finish it!! I joined while they were reading Kings, so I missed the entire Torah. Now I am reading a little bit on my own, beginning with Genesis. I decided that perhaps I could move through the Bible sequentially (although personally I am a random, not sequential, learner) for my Monday Morning Meditations -- perhaps that would help visitors to the blog as well as me. So far, I have made it through 3 chapters (well, you have to start somewhere, right?)

I just noticed that you are from Ireland. So is our priest -- and proud of it! (He's a really good guy and a good priest.) His family is still in Ireland, and he goes home for every birthday and a couple of times in between each year! Must be a great country to attract him back so often.