Friday, August 21, 2009

Great News

woohoo I got into the college i wanted!! Finally all the waiting is over and it's official. I accepted my course on Monday and got all the paper work in the post this morning, now the trouble of filling it out. I am studying for a B.A in early childhood care and education ( I know a long name for a course). This will last for 4 years. here's the link if you want to take a peek (click on the light blue points).

College is exciting but I am more sad about missing seeing all my friends in school. I suppose I'm lucky as the friends I am close to are all staying in the County but I won't see them everyday as I used to in school. I will miss especially seeing my best friend Chicken every day. I have a feeling she won't make an effort to see me as much in college but I'll wait and see what happens! Hopefully I will enjoy my course and make the best of it, all with God's help :)

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